SKU:  1026-00-0388S
Manufacturer Part #:  WB0388S
Titles: Principles of Study and Guidance * Basic Technique * Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star: Variations and Theme (Shinichi Suzuki) * Lightly Row (Folk Song) * Go Tell Aunt Rhody (Folk Song) * Song of the Wind (Folk Song) * May Song (Folk Song) * Allegretto (M. Giuliani) * Perpetual Motion (Shinichi Suzuki) * Rigadoon (H. Purcell) * Are You Sleeping, Brother John? (Folk Song) * French Folk Song (Folk Song) * Tanz (J. Fuhrman) * Tanz (J. C. Bach) * With Steady Hands (F. Longay) * Meadow Minuet (F. Longay). Performed by Himmelhoch, Lafreniere, and Brown. A Federation Festivals 2020-2024 selection.

Suzuki Seth Himmelhoch; And Book

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SKU:  1026-00-0388S^WB0388S
Manufacturer Part #:  WB0388S
Weight:  0.20
Price: $14.99

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